What is an independent medical examination?
An independent medical assessment (IMA), or independent medical examination (IME), is an assessment performed by a medical specialist to evaluate and provide an opinion about your injury or illness.
The aim of an independent medical assessment is to gain a more complete picture of your injury or medical condition for any type of compensation claim or employment fitness matter. A report from the assessment helps with decisions about your rehabilitation, return to work, or your claim.
In short, an independent medical assessment service seeks to help people and organisations solve health problems and get better outcomes.
At mlcoa, we are proud of the way we conduct our independent medical assessments. Our friendly team are experienced professionals who operate with care and integrity – we have provided assessments since 1986 and are the largest provider in Australia.
While we know an independent medical assessment can be an unfamiliar experience, our team of experts are trained to do all they can to put you at ease and help you to understand the process.
Importantly, our medical specialists are bound by a code of ethics to maintain their high standards when conducting assessments and preparing medical reports. They must provide information that is accurate, unbiased, reliable and informative.
Want to know more? View our guide to your assessment with mlcoa video, read our commonly asked questions or contact your nearest office