What happens next?

After the independent medical assessment, the medical specialist will compile a detailed report on your injury or medical condition. The specialist is not able to provide you with an opinion about your medical condition or discuss treatment, as would occur with your own treating doctor.
The information you give to the medical specialist will only be used for the purposes of the assessment. The specialist will use the information to write up a report which will then be submitted to the organisation that referred you for the assessment.
You can request a copy of the report from your case manager or the referring organisation. The report will normally be completed about 10 business days after your appointment.
The report could be used to determine various aspects of your claim for compensation and/or your fitness for work. It is a legal document and can be used as evidence in courts or tribunals.
A note about privacy
We respect your privacy by treating all your personal and sensitive information as confidential and by managing it in accordance with privacy principles and legislation. Your personal information and medical records are held and stored my mlcoa, not by the medical specialist. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.