Written by: Maxime Taquet, Sierra Luciano, John R Geddes, Paul J Harrison * Lancet Psychiatry, 2020 The findings in a nutshell This paper provides an analysis of a large dataset to determine whether being diagnosed with COVID-19 has a relationship

Written by: Maxime Taquet, Sierra Luciano, John R Geddes, Paul J Harrison * Lancet Psychiatry, 2020 The findings in a nutshell This paper provides an analysis of a large dataset to determine whether being diagnosed with COVID-19 has a relationship
Written by: Masoud Mardani – Archives of Clinical Infection, 2020* The findings in a nutshell The author presents the common characteristics observed in ‘post COVID-19 syndrome’ and the pathways that may cause long term health conditions. Importantly, COVID-19 symptoms may
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