Be a specialist with us
We have a long and proud history as the leading provider of independent medical opinions in Australia. But we would not be in this privileged position without the solid and enduring partnerships we have cultivated with our panel of world-class medical specialists.
Our medical experts are critical to our success because it is they who carry out our independent medical assessments and deliver the high-quality reports for which mlcoa is known. It is for these reasons that we choose our specialists carefully.
While we only partner with first-rate medical professionals, we have found the many benefits mlcoa offers are highly valued and part of the reason our specialists tend to remain with us for years. Our family-like atmosphere is another attraction for our specialists.
As a mlcoa medical specialist, you will become part of our tight-knit, 350-strong panel of experts. You will be highly esteemed by our business and steadily supported in all that you do. We will set you up for success, and walk with you every step of the way.
Our staff are there to support and guide you, as fully trained quality reviewers, skilled in the requirements of independent reports, and related state and federal legislation. Our sole purpose is to help you deliver high quality reports. Not only will our friendly staff fully train you in the format and content requirements of these reports, but they will review and provide feedback on them, prior to finalisation.
While you, as the medical expert conduct the assessments, all that we do internally is focused on supporting you to do your job well. From customising your consulting days, managing your appointments to optimise your time, and reviewing and typing your final reports, to preparing and storing your medical files, managing your travel arrangements and costs, and invoicing and debt management, our staff are always there for you.
Download our Consultant Information Brochure for more information